How to increase your productivity in 6 steps

How can we be more productive? This is a question that almost all entrepreneurs, at least those I know, ask themselves. I myself have seriously studied this issue several times and have finally found a solution that I would like to share with you today.

In fact, we all have our routine and well-established methods related to different tasks such as ranking and priority management, to name a few. After reading The Ultimate Sales Machine in which the author suggests 6 steps to be more productive, I decided to implement them. In all honesty, I was surprised to see how well I had managed to work on my’ ‘To Do List’; in the place of others. Here are these 6 steps:

Step 1: Touch things only once 

When you receive an email, you have 4 options: read it, reply to it, file it or not open it at all. I often had the annoying habit of opening it, reading a few lines and closing it again to postpone it. When I opened it again, I would start from the beginning and sometimes reclassify it without even processing it. Imagine the crazy time I was wasting! To top it all off, I had done nothing concrete at that stage to move the matter forward.

Same thing with the mail. I would put it on the corner of the table, I thought about it, I would open it sometimes, I would store it somewhere else, I would read the letter again. In short, another waste of time. Touch things only once!

Step 2: Make a list 

This was already part of my routine. I normally have the important things I need to do at hand. Every morning, I take items from this list and put them on a list of tasks to be done during the day.

So, on a daily basis, I sort through my to-do list to select only those items that I consider to be priorities for the day. This list will also help you to be organized and in a proactive mode rather than a non-reactive mode.

Step 3: Plan how much time you will allocate to each task 

This was a big challenge for me. Even with my list, I never allocated a specific time to each task. As a result, I never realized all the points on my list because I spent too much time on the same thing.

Be aware that this experience is a guide. In my work, some of my tasks are more creative than others (strategic plans, content writing, etc.). When creativity is at the service, it is sometimes better to continue and get it over with.

However, doing the exercise of estimating the time for each task helps to remain realistic. The author recommends planning a maximum of 6 hours per day to allow for unforeseen circumstances. In addition, when a task or project requires several hours, enter only the number of hours you will allocate to it on the same day.

Step 4: Plan your day 

As I mentioned earlier, it is important to have a list for the day. One of the last steps is to integrate these tasks and the allocated time directly into your agenda. This way, you will know what to do from such and such a time to such and such a time.

Include free time slots if possible to respond to emergencies, which will give you a clear overview of your day.

Step 5: Prioritize 

Of course, you will certainly not be able to integrate your entire task list into a day, so you need to prioritize.

For example, a person who works alone in his or her business should spend an average of 2. 5 hours a day prospecting. These prospecting beaches are essential for short-, medium- and long-term growth.

If you have employees, it is even more important to be productive and apply these rules. How can you ask your employees to be more productive if you do not advocate these methods yourself? You may wish to request a daily list of tasks prioritized by the employee. This discipline will quickly become a management reflex on the part of the employee for the benefit of your company.

Step 6: Meet the needs 

Studies show that 80% of classified information is never accessed more than once. So ask yourself the question: is it really necessary? In addition to freeing up time for essential tasks, you will avoid wasting time on tasks that have little impact on your business.

I hope these tips will help you to better manage your time and be more productive. Feel free to comment on this post using the form below to share with me how you introduced these methods in your company.


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