It's a well-known fact that telephone solicitation isn't for everyone. And to generate results, you need to know how to go about it. If not, concentrate on what you do best: advising your customers on their insurance plans.
Nowadays, writing content has become an essential part of a marketing campaign to convince a customer of the seriousness of your offer. However, there are experts who can do this much better than you, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best.
Do you spend lavishly on memberships left and right, on this or that annual event, without ever being able to calculate a real return on your investment?
Are you, like many insurance brokers, among those who consider marketing, whatever its form, to be a more or less relevant expense that never really pays off?
We combine the best tactics, tools and methods to generate a flow of qualified leads. This approach has proven itself time and time again for many insurance brokers, both in terms of efficiency and profitability.
We integrate the best technological tools into our approach to tailor the quantity of leads we offer you. You'll be able to better forecast your sales, as well as your future workload.
By teaming up with specialists to ensure your lead generation, you can guarantee your existing customers greater availability and better quality service. And because you're guaranteed never to run out of qualified leads, you can rest easy.
When we offer a lead, it's only sold once. No selling to the highest bidder or competition between insurance brokers. As soon as you buy a lead from us, it's up to you to take control and take care of the rest.
"Would you be interested in receiving a quote?" "Are you insured for your home?" "Do you have liability insurance in case of an incident as a self-employed worker? We offer you the opportunity to delegate the preliminary questioning stage to our operator, so that you can concentrate on what you do best: customer meetings.
With all the energy in the world, even the most successful insurance broker can't match the power of marketing automation tools. That's why, for years, we've been integrating the best technologies into our business development strategies for our customers. Let us show you just how much time and money you can save.